Salto Urbano (Urban Jump) was the development of a responsive e-magazine for urban sports enthusiasts.
I participated in the user research, concept development, graphic identity and style guide design as well as mobile, web and tablet versions of a digital magazine.
1. Business goal
2. Research: User
3. Research: Context
3. Product Design: Salto Urbano.
4. Next steps
2. Research: User
3. Research: Context
3. Product Design: Salto Urbano.
4. Next steps
The business goal:
"To generate a digital magazine that offers attractive contents for people between 18 and 25 years old who are interested in urban sports."
Understanding the user:
We conducted a series of interviews and a survey targeted to the defined audience, where we obtained powerful insights that we used to create a user persona.
"Erick Torres, The sporty bro" helped us gain understandment of our user needs, motivations, frustrations and interests.
We conducted a series of interviews and a survey targeted to the defined audience, where we obtained powerful insights that we used to create a user persona.
"Erick Torres, The sporty bro" helped us gain understandment of our user needs, motivations, frustrations and interests.
Research: Context
Reading habits of our users: digital readers, almost all via a mobile device. Avid video consumers. - Only 8% knew a magazine that talked their language and interest on urban sports
Benchmarking by sport type and target audience
Benchmark visual research